Saturday, October 6, 2012

Zaltrap ® (ziv-aflibercept)

      Brand Name: Zaltrap ®
      Generic name: ziv-aflibercept

     Uses: Treatment of colorectal cancer
     How it works: Blocks growth in colon cancer

     Most common side effects: High blood pressure, weight loss, decreased appetite, stomach pain, diarrhea, inflammation in the mouth, nose bleed, tiredness, protein in the urine, decrease functioning of the kidney, low white blood cell count, headache, difficulty speaking
     Serious side effects: Chest pain caused by part of the heart muscle not getting enough oxygen, blood clot in the lungs, bleeding in the lungs, kidney damage, stroke, bleeding in the brain

     Who cannot use this medication: Those who experience an allergic reaction to this medication

     Dose: Available as 100mg/4ml and 200mg/8ml
     4mg/kg of body weight through an intravenous injection over 1 hour every 2 weeks

     Package Insert:

     Reference: Micromedex Web site. Accessed October 1, 2012.

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