Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Viokace ® (pancrelipase)

      Brandname: Viokace ®
      Generic: pancrelipase

      Uses: Low levels of hormone production by the pancreas caused by inflammation 
or removal of the pancreas
      How it works: Acts as a replacement for digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas
      and helps in the digestion of proteins, starches, and fats in the intestines

      Common side effects: diarrhea, upset stomach, neck pain, cough, nasal congestion
      Serious side effects: blockage in the intestines, fibrosing colonopathy (disease
 associated with cystic fibrosis in which patients experience abdominal pain, vomiting,
 and constipation), narrowing of the colon, allergic reaction,  swollen/enlarged lymph nodes

      Who cannot use this medication: not yet determined

      Initial: Lipase 500 units/kg/meal
      Dosage range: Lipase 500-2500 units/kg/meal
      Maximum: Lipase < 2500 units/kg/meal or < 10,000 units/kg/day or < 4000 units/g of fat daily
    *take with a proton pump inhibitor (i.e. Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid)*
    *Different brands of pancrelipase are not interchangeable with each other*

     Micromedex Web site. Accessed September 28, 

     FDA resources page. Food and Drug Administration Web site. Available at:   Accessed September 28, 2012.

     Clinical Pharmacology Web site. Available at:   
     /default.aspx. Accessed September 28, 2012.

     Lexicomp online Web site. Availablet at: 
     /home/switch. Accessed September 28, 2012.

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